cancer :
It is a group of diseases whose cells are characterized by hostility (which is growth and division without limits), the ability of these dividing cells to invade and destroy nearby tissues, or move to distant tissues in a process we call metastasis.
These abilities are the characteristics of a malignant tumor, unlike a benign tumor. Which is characterized by specific growth and inability to invade and has no ability to move or transmissible. Sometimes a benign tumor can develop into a malignant cancer…
Symptoms and signs of cancer:
Symptoms are roughly divided into three categories:
Local symptoms: formation of an abnormal mass or tumor, bleeding, Pain and blistering. Some cancers may lead to jaundice, which is yellowing of the eyes and skin, as in pancreatic cancer.
metastatic symptoms: swollen lymph nodes, the appearance of coughing and sputum of blood, enlarged liver, Pain in the bones…
Symptoms appearing all over the body: weight loss, anorexia, Fatigue and exhaustion, sweating especially during the night, Anemia occurs…
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