Lower back pain is a general pain that often occurs as a result of lifting heavy objects or having the body in the wrong position. Although this pain may not represent a serious threat to life, it is a problem that many people face. Learn with us in this article about the causes and symptoms of lower back pain, along with knowing how to treat it.

A question : What is the function of the lower back?

Answer: The lower back region performs a number of important functions for the human body. These functions include structural support, movement, protect certain tissues in the body, when we stand, The lower back works to support the weight of the upper body.

When we bend, stretch, or rotate at the waist, The lower back will be involved in the movement.
Therefore, it is often possible to detect injury to structures important for weight-bearing. such as the bony spine, muscles, tendons and ligaments, When the body is erect or used in various movements, Soft tissue protection of the nervous system and spinal cord as well as the proximal organs of the pelvis and abdomen, An important function of the lumbar spine and adjacent muscles of the lower back.

Back and spine pain:

Causes of lower back pain Causes of lower back pain include:
Muscle strain Muscles and ligaments in the back can be stretched or torn due to excessive activity. Symptoms include pain and stiffness in the lower back, as well as muscle cramps, Rest and physical therapy are two treatments for these symptoms. disc injury

Low back pain symptoms The discs in the back are susceptible to injury, This risk increases with age, A herniated disc (also known as a slipped or ruptured disc) occurs when the cartilage surrounding the disc presses against the spinal cord or nerve roots. The cushion between the spinal vertebrae extends out of its normal position.
This can lead to nerve root compression as it exits the spinal cord and bones of the spine. Disc injury usually occurs suddenly after lifting an object or twisting the back. In contrast to back strain, The pain from a disc injury lasts more than 72 hours.
Sciatica is one of the main causes of lower back pain. Sciatica can occur with disc herniation if the disc presses on the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve connects the spine to the legs, As a result, sciatica can cause pain in the legs and feet. This pain is usually like burning or pins and needles.
Various sciatica exercises to reduce the pain of sciatic nerve inflammation.
Spinal stenosis occurs when the spine narrows, putting pressure on the spinal cord and spinal nerves. Spinal stenosis is most commonly caused by slipped discs between the vertebrae. The result is compression of the nerve roots or spinal cord by bone or soft tissue stimulation.
like discs, Pressure on the spinal nerves causes symptoms such as numbness, cramping, and weakness. You may feel these symptoms anywhere in the body. Many people with spinal stenosis notice that symptoms worsen when standing or walking.
Abnormal curvatures of the spine Scoliosis and kyphosis are conditions that cause abnormal curvatures in the spine. These are congenital conditions and are usually first diagnosed when patients are children and adolescents. The abnormal curvature puts pressure on muscles, tendons, ligaments, and vertebrae. Causing pain and poor ability to stand well.