mean by Gastric bypass surgery Gastric Sleeve is a surgical operation that began a long time ago in an attempt to get rid of excess weight by removing the outer part of the stomach so that the shape of the stomach turns from a large bag into the shape of a thin and long tube similar to the sleeve of a shirt, so the process of cutting the stomach is called an operation Gastric sleeve Because of this change in size, the amount of food entering the stomach will decrease, and thus the weight will decrease.



For whom is the stomach reduction surgery performed ?

Sleeve gastrectomy is performed depending on several factors, the most important of which is body mass index

Body mass index (BMI) is a person’s weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in metres. BMI is an inexpensive and easy way to detect weight category: weight loss , a healthy weight, weight gain, and obesity.

BMI does not directly measure body fat, But BMI is only moderately associated with more direct measures of body fat. Furthermore it , BMI appears to be closely associated with many metabolic and disease outcomes as these direct measures of body fat.

The process of cutting the stomach is one of the crucial operations, so it is necessary to consult and take enough time to think to make a decision.

You should visit the specialist surgeon and ask him about everything related to the operation. Here are the most important points that your consultation should not be without, and you must discuss them with your doctor:

  • What is the result you would like to achieve from this process?
  • What are the steps of the operation, type of anesthesia, and how long do you need to stay in the hospital after the operation?
  • When can you return to your normal life?
  • What are the tips that can help you after the operation to gain the required weight and avoid complications?
  • What is the expected outcome of the operation for your case and are there better operations for you?
  • What are the expected complications and how can you avoid them?


Important links

  • More information about eating after sleeve gastrectomy, please click here
  • More information about the benefits and complications of gastric bypass surgery, please click here
  • More information about exercising after bariatric surgery, please click here
  • More information about bariatric surgery and diabetes, please click here
  • More information about pregnancy and bariatric surgeries, please click here
  • More information about infusion treatment after gastric sleeve, please click here


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